Monday, August 10, 2009

Old friends meet and New addiction that will replace my love for BMX...

So this image is from Tacey Willis of Columbus Ohio. She used to reside all over the world but somehow Ohio sucked her back into its grasp. Tacey is a friend from my hometown of Norwalk Ohio. The funny thing is allot of my Friends actually moved to Columbus unannounced and for some strange occurrence we all met up for another friends birthday party at Bodega on High st a couple weeks ago. You would think it would be awkward...... Not a split second was =)

Personally there wasn't a person there I did not wanna see. They were all good friends. As I sat there and listened to stories and told them I realized that everyone was just like me. We all had our bad times and mostly good times in life and everyone had a journey and story that Hollywood writers couldn't come up with.... I'm glad we all still live close and are still friends. With time on our side I'm sure we will all start hanging out again like the old school days of Nowalk...

This picture was taken Downtown in the Arena district across the street from the Columbus Blue Jackets stadium. You can see more of her work at gallery hop in the Short North

Well recently Ive been putting my own life back together, Crashed the race car, lost 3 phones, Got ripped off on a boat and just more shit luck than one person could handle. However I have some awesome fucking friends and kept me from loosing my cool.

One way i didn't go over the edge is that I found something that I think will replace my love for BMX..... Wake Boarding.

It seems that this sport has literally ripped my heart wide open letting me take in as much as the sport as I can before the season is over.

Here's a couple pictures of me and my friends.

This is Thomas, he was kind enough to fire off this back flip after only being on his board for 23 seconds.....

This is me , I heart this stuff, Its like CRACK not that i know what crack is but fuck its so much fun i wanna do it in my sleep eat while wake boarding and go to sleep with it. I am literally trying to find a way to get me a nicer boat and get rid of the the race car. The reason being is that there are barley any rules on the water and my car gets me nothing but an empty pocket and in trouble. however I'm sure I could manage the same with a boat and wake board =)

I'm tired and the next update will be with pics of my friends Mazda and Civic that are lower than your moms dress on sunday when she goes to church....

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