Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Where I have been.............

Ive just been busy. /End of story.

Well lately I have gotten my shit together. I am now seeing the bigger picture of going back to school and it really makes me strive every day in class to be the best I can and stay ahead of everyone else.

My truck got broken into and my digi camera was stolen however I got a new one for X-Mas thats waterproof....=)

Trying to figure out a place to go for spring break and who to go with....

Allot of my friends think I am hiding under a rock but I am really just staying on track, 50hrs a week of work and a day of classes..

I also got me a video camera, With some new editing software, SniperKids will be back up and running hopefully this summer with more racing vids than you can imagine.

Ill end my Post with this Song and Video from one of my favorite artists Deadmou5..